Saturday, May 23, 2020
Genetically Modified Organism For Commercial Sale
Since 18 May 1994, when the US Food and Drug Administration approved the first genetically modified organism for commercial sale, which was the Flavr Savr delayed ripening tomato (DNAP CONSULTS WITH FDA†¦ N.P) DNAP sold however to Monsanto the maker’s roundup and they have the bad reputation as one of the manufacturers Agent Orange and DDT in the past, Fernandez and the team summarize research from the scientific consensus of genetically modified organism in the article Genetically engineered crops in the United States publish In the African Journal of Food, Agriculture, Nutrition and Development, The â€Å"organizations with the most authorized field releases of GMO crops include Monsanto with 6,782, Pioneer/DuPont with 1,405, Syngenta with 565, and USDA s Agricultural Research Service with 370. As of September 2013†(Fernandez-Cornejo N.P). Fernandez furthermore states GMO crops have become the norm in the United States. For example, in 2010, 93% of all soybe ans planted were herbicide-resistant The United States is, by far, the largest producer of GMO crops in the world (Fernandez-Cornejo N.P). This has set the stage for one of the biggest controversy of the 21st century. Most genetic modification of foods have primarily focused on the cash crops in high demand by industry, such as soybean, corn, canola, and cotton. This part of the controversy can gets a bit technical but never the less. Genetically modified foods or GM foods are foods produced from organisms that have hadShow MoreRelatedNon Genetically Modified Food Demand1632 Words  | 7 PagesNon-Genetically Modified Food Demand and Supply and Demand of Food Supply and Restaurants in the United States Genetically modified crops have played an important role in food supply of the United States for nearly two decades. The incentives for producers to use these crops are numerous, such as: an increased resistance to pests and improving the yield of the harvest. While these crops have been accepted as the norm for years, recently more shoppers have become increasingly concerned about whatRead MoreAre Genetically Modified Foods Safe to Eat?704 Words  | 3 PagesAre Genetically Modified Foods Safe to Eat? Genetically modified foods are the food derived from organisms whose genetic material (DNA) has been artificially modified (1). GM food entered the food industry in early 1990s with the first invention of the Genetically Modified Food, Favr Savr Tomato specified with a characteristic of longer shelf life when compared with the conventional tomato and the approval of commercial sale by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration in 1994 (2). GM food was firstRead MoreGenetically And Genetically Modified Organisms1188 Words  | 5 Pages Genetically engineered crops or genetically modified organisms (GMOs) are plants in agriculture and the DNA that has been modified using genetic engineering techniques. The goal of this type of bioengineering is to add new traits to a plant which doesn’t occur naturally in the species. Farmers have adopted the technology. The first genetically made crop was manufactured in 1982 which was an antibiotic-resistant tobacco plant. In 1986, the first free trials were in Europe and the USA and were madeRead MoreGenetically Modified Organisms And The Food System1684 Words  | 7 Pages or â€Å"genetically modified organisms,†are plants or animals that have been genetically engineered with DNA from bacteria, viruses or other plants and animals. These experimental combinations of genes from different species cannot occur in nature or in traditional crossbreeding. There are currently eight Genetically modified organisms available in grocery stores across America, they are cotton, alfalfa, papaya, squash, soybeans, canola, corn and sugar beets. Many believe putting genetically modifiedRead MoreGenetically Modified Food Essay1324 Words  | 6 Pagesprotect us from their hazardous effects, it is imperative that genetically modified foods (GMFs) be clearly labelled. In order to fully understand the consequences of the commercial use of genetically modified organisms (GMOs) in the production of our food, we must first comprehend what constitutes a GMO. A genetically modified organism is one which possesses traits which provide traits that are superior to those naturally found in the organism. A GMO can be any living thing- this includes plants, fungiRead MoreEthics Of Genetically Modified Organisms1382 Words  | 6 PagesIntroduction Genetically Modified Organisms (GMO) entails a process whereby plants, animals, and microorganisms can be altered at the genetic or DNA levels in a way that does not occur naturally through mating or natural recombination. Human involvement in the natural selection process has been around since the dawn of humanity; originally in the form of specific animal breeding to gain better species with more adaptations for their specific uses. The arguments that surrounds the topic of Genetically ModifiedRead MoreGenetically Modified Foods Is Not All People Support Their Existence1371 Words  | 6 Pagescommonly known as GM foods (genetically modified foods). This does not mean that fast foods are the only type of foods made from GMO (genetically modified organisms). Other foods also like tomatoes, potatoes, corn and various fruits are also as a result of genetic engineering. I shall argue that it is important to label genetically modified foods as not all people support their existence . Genetically modified foods refer to the kind of foods that are usually produced from organisms that have undergone specificRead MorePros And Cons720 Words  | 3 PagesAcross sub-Saharan Africa, most people live in rural areas and rely on agricultural for their livelihoods; and most of them are poor and many are hungry. While it is believed that Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs) are part of the solution to global population and food scarcity in, give or take, 2030, as these under-developing countries find it difficult to achieve the goal of a complete end to poverty and hunger. Therefore, many organizations are perusing the way of beneficial producing cropsRead MoreThe Problem Of Genetically Modified Organisms1204 Words  | 5 Pages Genetically Modified Organisms, also called genetically engineered or transgenic food, may provide a solution to help feed a growing world population, yet the debate surrounding GMOs is a mess. Are genetically modified organisms out to save the world or destroy it? The argument from either side is far from cut and dry. I believe that harnessing the power of genes is becoming one of the most important issues that mankind has to deal with today. An issue that is as controversial as it is necessaryRead MoreThe Federal Government Should Require Labeling Of Gmo’S1188 Words  | 5 Pageson genetically modified foods. The people deserve to know what they put in their bodies. Some of the food is very unhealthy and some people are completely unaware of that fact. Many food companies do not put out all the information about what goes into the food in which we consume, if the Federal government were to require labeling of all GMO foods then the people could be well educated about what they put inside their bodies, and know if it is good for them or not. GMO stands for genetically modified
Tuesday, May 12, 2020
The Evils of Cosmetic Animal Testing Essay - 2159 Words
A lot of people buy cosmetic products being ignorant to the fact that, that one product has killed a lot of animals. How would you like being sprayed with poisonous liquids, taking poisonous eye drops?, or being fed toxic substances? Cosmetic factories have been doing these inhumane things and more to innocent animals for years. According to PETA, every year, millions of animals are poisoned and killed in barbaric tests that were crudely developed as long ago as the 1920s to evaluate the toxicity of consumer products and their ingredients. Rats, mice, guinea pigs, rabbits, and other animals are forced to swallow or inhale massive quantities of a test substance or endure the pain of a chemical eating away at their sensitive eyes and†¦show more content†¦But of course a lot of cures have come from experimenting with animals and although it isn’t the best way to find cures, it does work. One of the biggest pros to animal testing is we don’t have to test on humans instead. Imagine how bad that would be to test on a non death row inmate human subject, we’d get the best results but it’s downright torture. If so many people protest the treatment of animals during experiments imagine how it’d be like with humans. Humans shouldn’t take this for granted because those animals go through so much just for us. They don’t have any say in it or know what the reason for it is, but we benefit from it. And it has made our life better, without it we wouldn’t have a lot of cures we have today. Cosmetic testing on the other hand is completely evil. Although it is better to test some of these things on animals then giving a cosmetic product to a human and just wishing them good luck. Yeah animals have DNA very similar to ours but it’s not a perfect match, and it some cases products do fail and harm humans (Product Testing, par. 1). On the other hand it’s better than not testing at all. So while putting these animals through hell rather than giving someone a faulty product is good to save some human lives, it’s still not right. Cosmetic animals testing isn’t required by law and their are other alternative so why do factories keep killing innocent animals? AllShow MoreRelatedEssay on Animal Testing Ethics646 Words  | 3 PagesAnimal Testing Ethics Is animal testing right or wrong? No one has really answered that so far. Everyone has their own opinion about it. I personally think that if we are not abusing the testing it should be allowed. I dont think it is necessary to test animals for every little thing that goes on the market but sure why not when it relates to a life or death thing like cancer. How else would we make sure the medications wouldn’t kill us? Safety tests are conductedRead MoreAnimal Testing Should Not Be Banned1508 Words  | 7 Pagesworldwide malady. Animal testing is the procedure of using various animals to research for new drugs, vaccines or cosmetics. However, there are many opponents against animal testing on the basis that it is unethical and that it is harmful to the subjects of the research. Nonetheless, animal testing is a necessary evil that can help avoid human injuries during the process of preventing different diseases and provide new possibilities for research, while also ensuring the safety of the animals through lawsRead MoreAnimal Experimentation, Ethics, And Ethics1703 Words  | 7 Pages Animal experimentation and Ethics -Tseten dolkar The practice of experimentation on live animals as known as vivisection is prevalent since the old roman days. In the name of Science, Animals are being mistreated, exploited and murdered worldwide. Animal are usedRead MoreAnimal Testing Is Unethical1089 Words  | 5 PagesMartinez English 101 4 December 2017 Animal Testing Animal testing is a practice which scientists have been using for hundreds of years. It uses non-human animals to test how substances may affect their behavior or health. Whether or not it should be allowed has been a debated for years. Some believe animal testing to be unethical. Others believe it to be a necessary evil that has advanced our scientific knowledge. There are also those who believe that animals hold the same rights as humans, andRead MoreAnimal Testing - Necessary or Barbaric and Wrong? - Discursive Essay.1482 Words  | 6 PagesAnimal testing has for a long time been a much debated moral issue. For many, this kind of testing has been the only kind of hope for developing new medicines and treatments for illness. For others, it is an unacceptable and unnecessary cruel way of exploiting animals for our own purposes. Treatments for illnesses such as tuberculosis, diabetes, kidney failure and asthma have all been discovered, and vaccinations against polio, diphtheria, t etanus and measles for example have all been found. ThereRead MorePersuasive Essay On Animal Testing748 Words  | 3 PagesAnimal Testing, what is it? On the definition for animal testing is, â€Å"noun; The use of non-human animals in research and development projects, esp. for purposes of determining the safety of substances such as foods or drugs†So what does that tell us? That Animal testing is okay, and a good thing for scientific research, right? Well in some cases, using lab rats is for a good cause, to test things out and see what’s cures what, but companies such as Loreal, L’Orà ©al, Maybelline, WindexRead MoreAnimal Testing Is Wrong Essay1603 Words  | 7 PagesAnimal testing has been around since the third and fourth centuries BC, when it was performed by Greek philosopher-physicians. However, it is unknown when people began to question this process. In today’s society, the idea of testing products on animals has become more and more controversial with numerous groups bein g created and becoming even more vocal. While people will decide for themselves where they stand in this argument, I would hope that most would agree that animal abuse is wrong. So,Read MoreAnimal Testing and The Animal Welfare Act1417 Words  | 6 PagesMany scientists claim that without animal testing, medical breakthroughs and research would not have progressed to where it is today. Some people claim that animals do not have rights and mankind naturally has dominion over them, making it acceptable to use them for scientific experimentation. This is simply not true. Animals can feel pain. They can suffer. One critic of animal testing maintains that pain is an intrinsic evil, and any act that causes pain in any other creature is morally wrong (Andre)Read MoreAnimal Testing Is Wrong And Cruel Animals1195 Words  | 5 Pageshas made me realize that animal testing is wrong and cruel to animals. I will be going over some of the history of animal testing, giving examples of some o f the tests that are being performed, and mentioning some of the laws and acts created. While reading through this think is this test necessary when the animals will be put through cruel procedures. This is why I think that animal testing should be reevaluated to see if it is really worthwhile. What is animal testing some people ask, and whyRead MoreEssay about Stop Animal Testing1631 Words  | 7 PagesTruth About Animal Experimentation Millions of animals are used in scientific and medical research, including mice, rats, rabbits, primates, cats, dogs and other animals. They are locked inside cold barren cages in laboratories across the country. Unfortunately all they can do is sit and wait in fear of the next terrifying and painful procedures that will be performed on them. More than 100 million animals every year suffer and dies in cruel chemical, drug, food and cosmetic tests, and
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Stefan’s Diaries Bloodlust Chapter 20 Free Essays
The next morning, I woke as someone shook my shoulder. â€Å"Go away,†I murmured. But the shaking was insistent. We will write a custom essay sample on Stefan’s Diaries: Bloodlust Chapter 20 or any similar topic only for you Order Now My eyes snapped open, and I realized I was lying curled up next to one of the tents at Gallaghers freak show. â€Å"Did you sleep here?†Callie asked, crossing her arms over her chest. I sat up, rubbing the sleep from my eyes, thinking about the previous evening. Id returned to the circus grounds, unsure of where else to go and had fallen asleep there. â€Å"Good morning, Miss Callie,†I said, ignoring her question. I stood up and brushed dirt off the back of my pants. â€Å"How can I help you?†She shrugged. She was clad in a pink cotton dress that showed her tiny waist and freckled arms. The color stood in contrast to her flowing red hair, and she reminded me of a wild rose. â€Å"Were going to take a few days off from the show. Father made so much money, he wants the next event to be even bigger.†Callie smiled. â€Å"The first rule of show business: Keep em wanting more.†â€Å"Hows Da–the vampire?†I asked, shielding my eyes from the sun. While my ring protected me from the agony of the rays, the sun made me feel exposed and clumsy. The dark cloaked more than my fangs, and in the light of day, I constantly had to check to make sure I wasnt moving at lightning speed, responding to questions I shouldnt be able to hear, or following my urge to feed. Callie tucked a loose strand of rust-colored hair behind her ear. â€Å"The vampire is okay, I suppose. Father has its handlers tending to it around the clock. They dont want it to die. Not yet, anyway.†Not yetwas a small comfort, but it was something. It meant I still had time. She frowned slightly. â€Å"Of course, I hardly think they should let it die at all. What were doing to it, and to the animals it fights, is totally barbaric,†she said softly, almost speaking to herself. I looked up swiftly at the words. Was she more sympathetic to Damons plight than Id imagined? â€Å"Can I see him?†I asked, surprised at my boldness. Callie swatted my arm. â€Å"No! Not unless you pay up, like everyone else. Besides, hes not here.†â€Å"Oh.†â€Å"Oh,†she said, mocking me. Then her eyes softened. â€Å"I still cant believe you slept here. Dont you have a home?†I met her gaze straight on. â€Å"I had a disagreement with my family.†It wasnt exactly a lie. The freak show was starting to wake up. The strong man walked, bleary-eyed, out of a tent. Abruptly, he dropped down to the ground and began doing push-ups. The fortune-teller headed to the secluded part of the lake, towel in hand, no doubt for a bath. And two of the ever-present burly security men were watching Callie and me curiously. Callie clearly noticed as well. â€Å"Would you like to go for a walk?†she asked, leading the way down a dirt-packed road to the edge of the lake, out of sight of the show. She picked up a stone and threw it into the water, where it landed with a thunk. â€Å"I never could skip stones,†she said, in such a sad voice that I couldnt help but burst out laughing. â€Å"Whats so funny?†she asked, hitting my arm again. The swat was playful, but the bracelets she wore were twisted through with vervain, and the contact sent a wave of pain up my arm. She put her hand on my shoulder, concern creasing her forehead. â€Å"Are you okay?†I winced. â€Å"Yes,†I lied. â€Å"Okay . . .†she said, throwing me a skeptical look. She leaned down to pick up another stone and raised her light brown eyebrow at me before she threw it in the water. It fell with a harmless plop. â€Å"Tragic!†I picked up my own stone and aimed it across the water. It skipped five times before falling below the surface. Callie laughed and clapped her hands. â€Å"You must teach me!†â€Å"You have to flick your wrist. And pick a flat stone.†I spotted a smooth brown rock with a white band ringing the top. â€Å"Here.†I put the rock in her hands. â€Å"Now, flick,†I said, gingerly touching her skin, making sure my fingers didnt brush against the vervain. She closed her eyes and tossed the stone, which skipped once, before falling into the water. She threw her arms up in delight. â€Å"Thank you, Stefan,†she said, her eyes twinkling. â€Å"No more ,,stranger?†I teased. â€Å"Youve taught me something. That means were friends.†â€Å"Does it, now?†I said, taking another stone and tossing it in the water. Damon and I had skipped stones in the pond near our home in Mystic Falls. Wed make wishes and pretend that they would come true if we could guess the number of skips a stone would make. I closed my eyes briefly.If it skips five times, I’ll have a chance to free Damon, I thought. But this stone was heavier and sank after two skips. I shook my head, annoyed at myself for indulging in such a childish game. â€Å"So was that your biggest concern in the world? That you couldnt skip stones?†I teased, trying to reclaim the light tone of our outing. She smiled, but her eyes looked sad. â€Å"No. But dont you think pretend problems are much more manageable than real ones?†â€Å"Yes, I do,†I said quietly. The sun was steadily rising, lending the lake an orange glow. Several small skiffs were already on the water, casting their nets, and the wind whipped around our ears, a reminder that even though the sun felt warm, winter was well on its way. â€Å"Ive never talked to anyone about this. Thats rule number two of the Gallagher family business–dont trust anyone,†she said. â€Å"Your father seems tough,†I ventured, sensing her frustration. â€Å"Perhaps too tough?†â€Å"My father is fine,†Callie snapped. She scowled at me, hands on her hips. â€Å"Im sorry,†I said, raising my hands in surrender. I realized Id pushed too far too quickly. â€Å"That was out of line.†Callie let her hands fall to her sides. â€Å"No, Im sorry. Im just protective of him. Hes all I have.†â€Å"Where is your mother?†I asked. â€Å"Died when I was six,†Callie said simply. â€Å"I understand,†I said, thinking of my own mother. â€Å"Its hard, isnt it?†Callie plucked a blade of grass from the ground and shredded it between her fingernails. â€Å"I try to be strong. But after Mother died, Father threw himself into work.†â€Å"It seems that you do that as well.†â€Å"Now that Fathers got the vampire act worked out, I feel like things will change for the better. He has a short fuse that gets shorter the less money he has.†At the mention of the vampire act, I kicked the stones around the edge of the shore. A flurry of pebbles flew through the air and landed several meters into the lake with a violent splashing sound. â€Å"What was that?†Callie asked, alarm in her voice. I forced myself to smile, to look calm–human. In my anger, Id forgotten to hide my Power. â€Å"Advanced stone skipping.†Callie raised an eyebrow, as if she wanted to challenge me. But all she said was: â€Å"We should get back. Dad wants us to clean up the grounds.†I nodded. â€Å"Good idea.†Alone here with Callie, Id come so close to losing control. â€Å"Stefan,†Callie said. â€Å"I was thinking since we dont have the shows for a few nights, do you think you could show me the city?†â€Å"But I dont know the city,†I pointed out. â€Å"Youve been here longer than I have.†Callies cheeks flushed poppy red. â€Å"Father doesnt let me leave the house, unless its for work. But there are so many shows and adventures in New Orleans.†She looked up at me from beneath her long lashes. â€Å"Please? Ill feel safe if Im with you.†I nearly laughed at the irony of that statement, but the chuckle caught in my throat. Callie had it wrong: She wouldnt necessarily be safe with me, but I could use her to guarantee the safety of my brother. After all, she knew everything about Gallaghers Circus–including where her father was holding Damon. â€Å"Okay, lets do it,†I said. â€Å"Oh, well have such fun!†Callie clasped my hands and whirled me around. â€Å"Meet me at the park at the end of my street at nine oclock.†She rose onto her tiptoes and kissed my cheek. She was so close, I could practically feel her heart beating against my chest. I pulled away abruptly, my head pounding and my jaw aching. I turned my back to her as my canines extended with a click. I had to take five deep breaths before they retracted again. â€Å"Are you okay?†she asked, placing her hand on my shoulder. I plastered a smile on my face and turned back to her. â€Å"Just excited for tonight.†â€Å"Good,†Callie said, humming to herself as we walked back to the circus grounds. I ran my tongue over my teeth. It was true: I was excited for tonight. But excitement was akin to desire, and as Id been learning ever since I met Katherine, nothing good ever came from desire. How to cite Stefan’s Diaries: Bloodlust Chapter 20, Essay examples
Saturday, May 2, 2020
Ethical Hacking Techniques and Penetration Testing
Question: Discuss about the Ethical Hacking Techniques and Penetration Testing. Answer: Introduction There has been a huge development in the internet and networking technologies in the past few years (Siponen et al., 2014). With the advancement in the technologies the people have become very dependent on these technologies for obtaining knowledge. But this technology is also viable to breaches. The security breaches on the internet have been increasing with the time passing by. The report provides an example of one such incident that took place recently. It was reported recently that the Apple Store subjected to malware attack. The report contains information in details about the attack and also provides some recommendation, so that this type of security breaches could have been avoided. Apple Store Hit by Malware Attack According to the, it was reported that the Apple was subjected to malware attack recently. In the article, Apples App Store Hit by Malware Attack by the, on October 2, 2015, it was reported that the company had reported that about a dozen of apps that were infected by malware were discovered by the company ("September 2015 iPhone Hack", 2017). Until now the apple users have been experiencing a very high level of security. This is because the Apple Company does interact much with the third party manufacturers. In addition to this apple was not adopted to the level that the other companies were. Hence, the hackers did not target Apple to the extent that the other companies were. But recently security issues are being reported against the company. It was reported that the company had discovered several apps that were infected by malwares. It included some the very popular apps like WeChat, which has more than 500 million users. This report showed that the Apple Store can also be subjected to cyber-attacks on a large scale. It has been reported that the popularity and the increasing number of consumers of the company has made them a target for the hackers. It was reported that the App store was infected with the malware named XcodeGhost (Brockman, Stieglitz Cvetkovic, 2015). The program was found inside the legitimate programs of the App Store. It was fused inside the normal apps so that the user would not understand the defect of the app unless they download it from the store. The malicious programs that existed within the apps were detected by several cyber security firms. It was initially indicated by an e-commerce firm in China named Alibaba. They had discovered that the hackers had uploaded the altered version of the Xcode to one of the Chinese cloud storage service. The Xcode is the program that is used in the development of the iOS aps. In China and in various other parts of the network speeds might be slower. Hence, many of the developer tend to download the instances of the tool from other sources, and end up downloading the infected version of the tool. Although, Apple have a security tool named the Gatekeeper, but the in or der to develop the aps the coders would have to disable the security tool and use the XcodeGhost to develop the apps. Hence when these packages from the external sources are addd to the app code the app becomes infected and the infected app is uploaded into the store which infects the store in return. In addition to these millions of users have already downloaded these infected apps. All this users can potentially be affected to the harmful effects of the malware. The malwares have infected the popular apps so that more and more users could be affected by the security breach. The malware could obtain sensitive information about the users without the user even knowing about the attack. The malware would be able to send alerts to the device that is infected and can obtain the information about the user by tricking them into revelation of the information. The Apple Company have already taken down the apps that were infected from their store. In addition to this the company is looking into detecting more apps that were subjected to the malware attack. In addition to this the company should also look to enhance their security methods. The company should perform effective filtration techniques before allowing the apps to be uploaded on their store. In addition to this, the company should adopt proper testing techniques for the apps that are uploaded on their online store. Although, no instances of the user data being hacked was reported for the incident. In addition to this the users should also be aware of the situation. It is advisable for them to update or delete the reported apps. And also they should not be using the jail broken devices. So that they would be safe from the attacks of the malware. The report provides a brief analysis of one of the several incidents of security breach that are taking place lately. The incident of the breach that took place in the Apple store have been provided in this report. The process of the breach and the effect of the breaches have been provided in the report. In addition to this remedies have also been mentioned in the report. It could have been avoided if the company would have adopted a strict filtration process for the applications in their store. In addition to this the users are advised to update the apps regularly so that malware packages would be uninstalled from their devices. The hacking have had a great development in the past few years. Lately more and more hackers are encouraged to practice the technique (Craig Shackelford, 2014). This is a great development in the field of technologies. But in the recent time the technique is being used for illegal and unethical practices. This causes a great amount of problem for the society. In addition to this the practice is increasing day by day. The report consists of one of the incidents of hack case on the web (Elhai Hall, 2016). The report provide in brief some information about the telegram hack case. The procedures of the hack and the effect of the hack on the people have been described in the report. In addition to this some recommendation are also provided for the case. According to the, it was reported that the hackers had gained access to a huge number of accounts on the messaging platform the Telegram. In the article, Iranian Hackers Attack Telegram to find 15 million accounts released on August 3, 2016, it has been reported that some Iranian hackers have gained access to the secure platform of messaging the Telegram (McGoogan, 2017). According to the report the security researchers have stated that the details of around 15 million users of Iran have been accessed by the hackers. The Telegram is considered one of the most secured messaging platform on the web. The hacking of the platform is a major case in recent times. The tool provides security and privacy to the users by the end to end encryption method. But the hackers that had used advanced methods for hacking into the systems. According to the report, the telecom companies have to option to intercept the messages that the company sends to the users when they are either logging into their accounts from a phone or some other devices. The hackers can easily use these intercepting techniques of the telecom companies and get access of the messages of the Telegram Company. In addition to this, there is also a chance that the Telecom companies are providing the data to the hackers and they are using it to set up the accounts on some other remote devices. This method makes the users vulnerable to the telecom companies and the hackers. Hence hacking into the sytem of the Telegram platform was unavoidable. According to the report around 15 million user in Iran were affected by the hack. The hackers could get the information of the users from the techniques implemented by them. The personal information of about 15 million users were available to the hackers. In addition to this the hackers could also intercept the messages that the users sent to each other. The reports on this case had spread fears into the minds of the users that were using the platform. They feared that most of their sensitive information that were contained in their messages would be available to the hackers. The common people also feared that very sensitive communications would be compromised. The people feared that they would be losing their privacy. In addition to this it has been also reported that about a dozen of telegram accounts have been compromised by the company. In addition to this since the Telegram is based on the phone numbers anyone can easily check the registration status of the phone number in the s ystem. Although the company have stated that, the users can continue using their accounts with the fear of breaches but they have not mentioned any such procedures by which they can protect their communications. The company have stated that do not block anybody who expresses the opinion peacefully. The company should try and increase their security constrains. In addition to this they should also look to improve their methods of communication. They should try and secure the communication processes. They should try and stop the telecommunication companies from intercepting into their networks. This reduce the risk of the communication information from getting hacked. The company has also stated that, the hacking is not a very serious issue. But the count of the effected users is around 15 million. Hence, the company should look into the security matters with more seriousness. Although the company blocks the terrorist bot and the channels, but they do not have a proper authentication process in place. In addition to this user should also be aware that they should not pass the sensitive information over the messages. In addition to this the users must follow the instruction provided by the company for securing their communication. The company advices the users to follow their two- step authentication process. The users should follow this process to keep their connections secure. Conclusion The hacking case of the Telegram Company have been provided in the report. The procedures of the incident and the effect of the hacking case have also been provided in the report. In addition to this information about some actions that could have taken by the company have also been provided in the report. The company should look to increase their security measure and should seriously look into the hacking case. In addition to this, the users should also be aware of the situation and perform their actions accordingly. They should follow the advices of the company to keep their connections secure. References Alapati, S. R., Gossett, S. (2014).Oracle WebLogic Server 12c Administration Handbook. McGraw-Hill Education. Annachhatre, C., Austin, T. H., Stamp, M. (2015). Hidden Markov models for malware classification.Journal of Computer Virology and Hacking Techniques,11(2), 59-73. Brockmann, T., Stieglitz, S., Cvetkovic, A. (2015). Prevalent Business Models for the Apple App Store. InWirtschaftsinformatik(pp. 1206-1221). Chowdappa, K. B., Lakshmi, S. S., Kumar, P. P. (2014). 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