Wednesday, December 25, 2019
The World And Me Is Ta Nehisi Coates Book Review Essay
For years, African-Americans have been mistreated, criminalized, and socially persecuted. Though the conditions of the African-American community have improved since the 19th century, African Americans have recently become increasingly criminalized and profiled by police officers. These injustices have given rise to many passionate and righteous political movements, such as the Civil Rights Movement and the Black Lives Matter movement. Black activists have been righteously voicing their solutions and impositions of such said injustices through essays, articles, books, and other forms of literature. Between the World and Me is Ta-Nehisi Coates’ book written as a letter to his son, Samori that entails Coates’ hardships of being African-American and the racial injustices he experienced in America. Although Coates explains his experience of racism as an African-American, he does not impose solutions or actions on the racial inequality he describes in the book, but instead asks questions and addresses his concerns. It is unknown why Coates, who is known to be a â€Å"solutionist†in his essays in The Atlantic, did not give any solutions in his most popular book to date. The book’s skepticism does not settle well with his audience, nor does its content resemble Coates’ previous articles or works. From these differences, how should we view Coates as an activist and an author? How do we reconcile these differences in his approaches to writing that amount to the differences in hisShow MoreRelatedThe Book Between The World And Me By Award Winning1335 Wo rds  | 6 PagesThe book Between the World and Me by award winning author Ta-Nehisi Coates is a recent best-seller that introduces a perplexing encounter of African Americans and their struggles to live under a white American supremacy. Mr. Coates did not only write the book for his son, whom he acknowledges throughout the book, but he also writes to those who want to be enlightened about issues that no one wants to address. Who is Ta- Nehisi Coates? How is a African American viewed in America’s society today? MostRead MoreAnalysis Of The Book By Ta Nehisi Coates 1567 Words  | 7 PagesThe recently awarded 2015 National Book Award for Nonfiction author, Ta-Nehisi Coates, has stirred quite some debate over the author himself and the issue on race in America. He is harsh and direct when it comes to commenting on the political policies in America or even the president. Much of Ta-Nehisi Coates’s works are affected by his life living in America as a black person. The violent and â€Å"fearsome†life he has lived became the only form of life he is acquainted to. As a result, he stronglyRead More1 / 5. Student’S Name: . Professor’S Name: . Course: .1165 Words  | 5 Pagesthe World and Me: Black Identity The book Between the World and Me was written by Ta-Nehisi Coates in 2015. The book takes the format of a letter addressed to the writer’s teenage son, where he continually addresses the subject of African Americans in the society (4). Looking at the work from a more critical perspective, Coates work seems to have been inspired by the work of Baldwin of 1963 The Fire Next Time, where he spoke of white supremacy, and how possible it was to overcome. For Coates, whiteRead MoreWhat We Can Not Be Free Until They Are Free Essay1741 Words  | 7 Pagesan excerpt from â€Å"A Letter to My Nephew: The Fire Next Time†. Never has there ever been a truer statement on the outlook of the American people. Now we have writer, Ta-Nehisi Coates, who has been likened to James Baldwin, and because of his style in â€Å"Between the World and Me.†However, in classic Coates style, what we get from this book is tales of childhood in West Baltimore, violence, gang, love, hope, educa tion, police brutality, and most importantly of all, we get race and racism in a style ofRead MoreSystematic Blind Man s Bluff : Identity Through Vision2109 Words  | 9 Pagescontinuation of the black and white that vengeful post-Reconstruction Southern whites created in order to establish home rule. Te-Nehisi Coates illuminates how this black and white world is integral to white supremacy in Between the World and Me: â€Å"the power of domination and exclusion is central to the belief in being white†(Between the World and Me 42). This colorless world encourages African Americans to reject visuality in order to arrive at a brand of disembodied individuality. In the novels The
Tuesday, December 17, 2019
Essay on This Is the End of the World the Black Death by...
â€Å"This is the End of the World: The Black Death.†by Barbara Tuchman History reveals the mid-14th century as a very unfortunate time for Europe. It was during this period when the continent became afflicted by a terrible plague. The source of the pathogen is known today as bubonic but was colloquially known as â€Å"The Black Death†to Europeans of the day. The plague caused a tremendous number of deaths and was a catalyst of change, severely impacting Europe’s cultural, political and religious institutions. Not unlike many of today’s flu outbreaks, bubonic is thought to have also originated in China. As early as 1346, rumors surfaced in Europe of a terrible plague which had ravaged Central Asia, India, Asia Minor, the Middle East and†¦show more content†¦With the graveyards filled to capacity, some resorted to throwing their dead into the dark waters of the Rhone. Eventually, mass graves were dug and provided a place to dump the corpses. In London, such burial pits sometimes proved inadequate to receive the dead, with bodies overflowing their layered stacks within the trenches. (684) Despite the erratic mortality rates, ranging locally from 1/5 to 9/10 of a given population, they were nonetheless very high overall. Bohemia and Russia were untouched by the first round of the plague, but eventually were impacted in 1351. (684) In rural areas the plague would typically last from four to six months and then subside. In urban areas the plague would sometimes disappear during the winter months, only to re-emerge in spring and continue its rage, unabated, for another 6 months. (684) Certain classes of people seem to be at increased risk of contracting the disease. Those who were most at risk were in situations that demanded close contact with the infected: prisoners, doctors, clergymen and nurses. It was reported that women were more susceptible, (689) also the young and all persons who were weakened by poverty and a hard life. The malady was said to have â€Å"attacked especially the meaner sort and common peopleâ€â€seldom the magnates.†(688) However, it cannot be said that the ruling class escaped the plague unscathed. Among the causalities of this terrible disease was Alfonzo XI of Castile.Show MoreRelatedFeminine Mystique12173 Words  | 49 PagesSupplemental Reading for US History 2 From Rosie to Lucy Questions students must answer in a 500-word (minimum) essay: 1) Describe the post-WWII frustrations felt by women such as Betty Friedan. 2) During the era of â€Å"Rosie the Riveter†, what gains did women make in the workforce? How did these women feel about themselves and their contributions? What did society as a whole think? 3) What role did mass media play during the 1950s and 1960s in regard to supporting or undermining theRead Morewisdom,humor and faith19596 Words  | 79 PagesTwain, quoted in Opie Percival Read, Mark Twain and I (1940), 17. â€Å"Humor offers both a form of wisdom and a means of survival in a threatening world. It demands that we reckon with the realities of human nature and the world without falling into grimness and despair.†Roger Shattuck, The Banquet Years: The Origins of the Avant-Garde in Franceâ€â€1885 to World War I, rev. ed. (1968), 248. â€Å"Humor is, in fact, a prelude to faith; and laughter is the beginning of prayer. . . . The saintliest men frequentlyRead MoreDeveloping Management Skills404131 Words  | 1617 Pages10/12 Weidemann-Book Credits and acknowledgments borrowed from other sources and reproduced, with permission, in this textbook appear on appropriate page within text. Copyright  © 2011, 2007, 2005, 2002, 1998 Pearson Education, Inc., publishing as Prentice Hall, One Lake Street, Upper Saddle River, New Jersey 07458. All rights reserved. Manufactured in the United States of America. This publication is protected by Copyright, and permission should be obtained from the publisher prior to any prohibited
Sunday, December 8, 2019
Australian Fresh Fruit-Mangoes Market Research in Indonesia
Question: Write market research report for Australian fresh fruit market particularly mangoes, in Indonesia. Answer: Introduction This consist of a market research report for Australian fresh fruit market particularly mangoes, in Indonesia, one of East Asian states. In this regard, the report will highlight the socio-economic and political situation in the country, which would affect the viability of the business the existing competition for the same product, and then lastly provide recommendations on product pricing strategy, distribution, and promotional measures for mangoes. Economic Situation According to the available data, Indonesias Gross Domestic Product was $ 890 billion in the year 2014. The countrys currency is the Rupiah, which is, pegged to different other monetary currencies. Its exports in the same year the exports were $ 176 billion while the imports totalled up to $ 178 billion dollars. The largest exports include palm oil and thermal coal (McClanahan 2013). This means that the country relies heavily on the export market as well as on imports. In 2015, the Indonesian economy contracted due to falling demand for exports, despite the government expenditure to stimulate the economy. However, the Indonesian government has strengthened its public investments in order to help the country to get out of a persistent slow down in the economic growth in the year 2015. There is higher funding for infrastructure in different sectors of the economy including different policies aimed at stimulating private investors (Pierre 2010). In this case, there are lower interest rat es on borrowed loans currently. On the other hand, inflation will decelerate by around 2% according to the forecast (McClanahan 2013). The policies are intended to fix the problem of reducing demand for exports for their goods, relative to government expenditure. As indicated by Sara (2011), Indonesia is growing into a major foreign investment destination as there is increasing Foreign Direct Investment due to its huge population. Political Situation In the year 2014, the political stability index for Indonesia was at -1.23 relative to the maximum +2.25. This is because the country still faces challenges politically including too much bureaucracy and corruption in different government institutions and among the public. Since the fall of 1998 when the 30-year authoritarian rule of General Suharto collapsed, Indonesia has seen a positive political transformation (Denny 2008). There is now vibrant democracy, which growing stronger each day with policies from government and different sectors that parliamentary consensus agrees on. Extreme religious parties have over time risen and failed, giving way to secular but stronger nationalism among the Indonesians (Denny 2008). However, there is sometimes, the push for protectionism from some political parties despite the governments push for more open markets. This becomes an uncertainty for foreign investors. The widening gap between the poor and the rich is a major concern, as corruption is relatively rife in the region (Kaniz 2015). Even so, the country seems to accept its flaws and persists towards getting rid of these cases. Free media and higher electorate expectations from political leaders is changing the countrys political landscape positively. Social/Cultural environment Indonesia consists of a population of over 260 million people who are mainly Muslim. This population speaks more than 300 regional languages. This population includes urban elites and hunter-gatherer families living in the expansive rural areas. There is a growing middle class in Indonesia, that was expected to reach more than 150 million in 2014, and now that it is 2016, it is likely way beyond the figure (Kaniz 2015). These among the huge young population provide a huge market demand for products such as fresh fruits. In fact, according to Kaniz (2015), more than 50% of Indonesias population is below the age of 30 years and are very adaptive to novel technologies that can be used as promotional tools for goods and services. Competition Analysis The fresh fruit industry in Indonesia is very vibrant. The huge population provides a huge market for fresh fruits including mangoes. These are produced in the countrys Java region. It is the worlds seventh largest producer of mangoes (Courtney 2014). Australia on the other hand is worlds best producer of mangoes, as it is the countrys main fruit (Lara 2015). The Australia fruit quality is higher in all international markets (Lara 2015). The Indonesian government welcomes international fresh fruit investors, despite the existing companies in the country to allow competition. Some of the potential competitors in the mango industry in Indonesia include companies such as the Greenfarm Import and Export Trading Company, The Indofruits Company, and the Qingdao LSXY Import Export Company Limited among others (Courtney 2014). The following is competition analysis in the mango industry. Qingdao LSXY Import Export Company Limited This is a Chinese company that exports among other products, mango-related products into Indonesian market. China being the largest exporter f fresh fruits into Indonesia, gives this company has given this company good will and policy related advantage to operate, since it started its operations in 2003( The company has between 11 and 50 employees collectively on Chinese mainland and the Indonesian market. The company sell mangoes in both whole and frozen forms. More so, the mangoes are chipped into dices and slices, if not made into juice for sale. These are packed into sizes of 400g, 500g and/or 1000g ( The company products including mangoes are branded as LSFOODS.The minimum purchases from the company are at US $100. The Indofruits Company The Indofruits Company also deals in mango sales. It deals with manufacturing, trading, distribution and wholesaling of horticultural products, including mangoes on Indonesia. The brand name that the company uses for its products is the Indo-fresh-fruits. The minimum order for fresh mangoes that an individual can make from the company in terms of price is at 10 kilograms, ranging between $ 10 and $1000 ( The company has been in the Indonesian market for the last 1 year. Therefore, it has probably adjusted to the existing business environment in the Indonesian market. Greenfarm Import and Export Trading Company Greenfarm is a Philippine company based in Indonesia dealing in the export and import of among other goods, mangoes ( The company has been in operation since the past 8 years in Indonesia. The mangoes sold consist of the tropical and subtropical type, green in colour and sold when fresh. The company has between 51-100 employees in total. The company makes total annual sales of the mangoes of US $ 1 million ( Generally, the cost of freeze-dried mangoes in Indonesia as set by companies is around US $ 10-27 per kilogram ( The fresh mango fruits on the other hand cost US $ 410-770 per tonne. Therefore, the Australian company must consider these prices as it prepares to enter into the market. Recommendations Based on the countrys market analysis including the prices set by competitors, it is ideal that the Australian company follows the following recommendations. Pricing Strategy Since it is clear that freeze dried mangoes in Indonesia sell at approximately US $ 10-27 per kilogram while the fresh mango fruits cost US $ 410-770 per tonne, it is necessary that the Australian company set a slightly lesser price, as a market entry strategy. Originating from the best mango-producing country, Australian companies need to set lower prices, as they have a continuous supply of the fruit that can sustain the consumer demand supply. The surplus production of mangoes in Australia should enable the Australian to be able to set lower prices that will attract initial customers for their mango-related products ( For instance specifically, the company can lower the cost of dried mangoes from US $ 10-27 per kilogram to range between US $ 9-26 per kilogram while the fresh mango fruits cost can be lowered to between US $ 415-765 per tonne. This will help the company realize more sales due to preferential purchases by customers, attracted by both quality and price . Distribution Strategy In terms of distribution, the Australian company should choose have different product stores and a main warehouse in Indonesian major towns such as Jakarta, to be the main points collection of mangoes and products brought in from Australia, ready for distribution. The company can distribute mangoes to wholesalers and loyal retailers within the Indonesian markets by vehicles owned by the company, operating within different areas within the country. Promotion In order to promote the mango sales by the company entering into the market, the country will need a special brand name to popularize their product. This needs to be coupled up with a mix of communication vehicles, since the population is mixed up of a few urban elites, majority hunter-gatherer communities in the rural areas. Further, the middle class and the huge young population conversant with latest technologies require special mix of communication vehicles. Thus, the company will use broadcast vehicles such as television for those who can access this media. The increasing number of middle class and the elites in the cities and suburban regions can read utilize the print-vehicles such as newspapers, magazines and billboard posters. Lastly, there is need to use digital vehicles such as advertising the mango products on social media, accessible to the youths. This will help the company make high sales at its start. Conclusively, this report will help the Australian company come up with strategies to move into the Indonesian government. References Sara Schonhardt (26 December 2011). "As Indonesia Grows, Discontent Sets in Among Workers. The New York Times. Retrieved 27 December 2011. Kaniz Fatima (9 September 2015). "Textile workers protest for new minimum wage in Indonesia. Pierre van der (2010). "The sources of long-term economic growth in Indonesia, 18802008". Explorations in Economic History 47 (3): 294309. doi:10.1016/j.eeh.2009.08.004. Denny Indrayana (2008) Indonesian Constitutional Reform 1999-2002: An Evaluation of Constitution-Making in Transition, Kompas Book Publishing, Jakarta ISBN 978-979-709-394-5 Courtney McCaffrey (November 27, 2014). "20 Reasons Why Indonesian Food is the Best in the World". Flight Network Foodie. McClanahan, Paige (11 September 2013). "Can Indonesia increase palm oil output without destroying its forest? Environmentalists doubt the world's biggest palm oil producer can implement ambitious plans without damaging woodland. The Guardian. Lara Webster (2 Oct 2015). Australian mango production forecast down on last year. Retrieved 2016-5-21.
Sunday, December 1, 2019
The Westward Expansion Essay Example For Students
The Westward Expansion Essay The Westward Expansion Essay was a new concept for Americans in the 1770s. In their minds there was a abundance of land out west just waiting to be claimed. The people that moved out west thought they were doing no harm, but in reality they committing genocide which is the complete annihilation of an entire race of people. If somebody is taking things from you that is very special to you what is your natural reaction?. Its to fight back and try to regain the special thing back. That is what the native Americans did to the settlers started to take there land so they started to defend it. But no we didnt get the clue. We had no real consideration toward the native Americans. We didnt ask to take there land we just did. Also the Euro-Americans had this huge group of people coming expecting land to start a family and a bigger and better life for them selves. There is no way youre going to get so many people hopes up so hi the slam it down by saying that the Native American were there first so they all would have to go home. We will write a custom essay on The Westward Expansion specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now NO WAY!!. So we just kept on going on there were swarms of settlers they were coming from foreign countries and from the east. They needed a better more efficient way to transfer people and there belongings so we started making the railroad System. Back then everything was made be hand so the rail roads couldnt turn much so sometimes the rail roads would go right through the middle of a tribe. Ferther on with the completion with the rail roads more and more people came to settle in the west. Image living in that time as an Native American the feeling of hatred toward you from theses new people that dont even speak the same language as you, and are taking over your home land. If it were me not only would I be scared but I would be mad. Still after being attacked by the Native Americans we thought that they were trying to kill us so we fought back. We used the gun which is much more deadly then a bow and arrow or a spear. So the Native Americans couldnt do much to stop us. Eventually we made a treaty allowing the Indians there own spots of land for there people, and to try to live there live as they used to. Today there is still a predugest agents the native Americans. Some people look at the Native Americans and think that they are all drunks but those are all stereotypes. I believe that what we did was wrong but if we didnt do it I wouldnt be here today. .
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