Thursday, October 31, 2019
Choose and plan with skills reflection (x 1000 words) Coursework
Choose and plan with skills reflection (x 1000 words) - Coursework Example Similarly, in the job description of a flagship store manager, it is extremely important that the candidate is smart and speaks well. Like it is mentioned above, the retail sector requires a person with great interpersonal and people skills. I have a command on two languages, Thai and English. This means that I can directly deal with the local customers as well as the one belonging to other nationalities. In addition to this, I can use Microsoft Office proficiently especially Microsoft Excel to compute all data related to the store. This is an advantage because I have an understanding of all computerized data and can link it well to the store’s data (customer’s data). My past experience as an assistant to the marketing manager and my qualification in the field of business has prepared me well to the retail sector and I know how important it is to satisfy the customers. With ‘business studies’ as my basic academic qualification, I know the importance of dressing up professionally for the retail outlet. Moreover, I am aware of the importance of having good interpersonal skills which includ e: fluent communication, listening skills, team work, crisis management, being assertive and empathising. These skills which developed over some time taught me how to keep myself calm and poise in case of disturbing situations like handling customers’ complaints. My past experience of dealing with suppliers for an event taught that time management is the key to success and without planning the event can be completely fail. It developed my time management skills and improved my abilities. Managing a flagship store is not an easy task because it involves the management of various types of people belonging to different socio-economic backgrounds. In addition, people have different educational background followed by different set of skills; therefore, it is a difficult task to bring
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Businesses Contributing to Living Conditions in an Asian Community Essay
Businesses Contributing to Living Conditions in an Asian Community - Essay Example She wasn’t the only one; there were a large number of individuals living in rural Bangladesh who had managed to bring significant improvements in their living condition with the aid of the microfinance program that was implemented by Grameen Bank. It was because of the Grameen Bank that thousands of poor Bangladeshi women were able to change their lives through the loans extended to them by Grameen Bank and initiate their own enterprises. The contribution of Grameen Bank was so significant that by the year 2003, it had over a 1000 branches all over Bangladesh, and it was reported that the bank had managed to aid about 48% of its borrowers to be able to move above the poverty line (Sarker, 2001). The model of the Grameen Bank due to its success in Bangladesh was replicated in other developing Asian countries. These comprised of countries like India, Pakistan and Vietnam where similar schemes were established in order to improve the living conditions and opportunities for the ur ban poor individuals. The aspect of providing small loans to the deprived can be considered as an economic intervention; however the Grameen Bank loan initiates a profound transformation in the lives of numerous individuals which are a part of its members. The poor women redouble their efforts to be able to bring about positive changes to their existing lives and their economic condition advances. The aspects with which this business touches the lives of the Asian community is the way in which it encompasses the popular issues of poor countries, such as education, eating healthy, consumption of clean water and the environmental issues (Shepard, 2003). Housing and Education Grameen Bank has worked extensively in endorsing its members by focusing specifically in the aspect of housing and education. They recognized quiet early that the poor families in these Asian communities were vulnerable mostly due to the fact that their houses were constructed out of poor and weak materials. This is when they started providing loans specifically for housing in the year 1984. Ever since then GB has aided individuals through housing loans for the construction of over 630,000 houses. They have focused in covering the costs associated with basic but durable building supplies as well as sanitary latrines, for its borrowers. How it contributes to a resource for the improvement of their standard of living is mostly because these homes serve not just as a place to reside in but also as a workplace for these individuals; So when the houses are stronger and better able to withstand the heavy rainstorms it helps these individuals resist the weather from destroying their livelihoods, which in turn has a positive impact on their health and families (Wijnbergen, 2012). Another aspect that the GB touches as far as the improvement of the Asian community is concerned is by supporting education of the families that constitute to that of its members. It was in the year 2000 that GB initiated e ducation loans specifically for higher education of the children of its borrowers. These loans worked on certain conditions and came into play after students reached a tertiary standard of education and were then in need of loans to receive higher education. These loans were very helpful in the way they covered tuition, maintenance costs, and all kinds of other expenses. By February
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Benefits of School Sports Programs: A Survey
Benefits of School Sports Programs: A Survey Memo of Transmittal Subject: Need for more athletic events in school Problem: Selkirk College is a respectable school in the Kootenays region. This school has many branches such as Castlegar, Nelson, Trail etc. In this school, many international students are studying now such as from India, China, Japan and many other countries. They face many problems here like accommodation and work mainly due to which some students feel homesick too. They feel alone and stressed from studies and all the assignment work. In our school, hardly one or two cultural events and other athletics event occurs. Students who are from sports background love games very much, so they miss these types of events here. No doubt, the college always organizes many types of events like Intercultural Festival and small gaming competition, but these are not as big and organised as required and also they are held seldomnly. Solution: Our school management can make a decision about this. Physical activities can be added to the school curriculum without any academic disturbances and also can offer physical, emotional and social benefits. At every weekend friendly sports events should be held in our gymnasium. We should not force the students to take part in those events. In every semester, there should be one big Sports Event at college and an Annual function should be arranged for students. In these events different kinds of matches like Cricket, Basketball and Badminton should be organised and cultural dances, dramas and many more such things should be held. There should be prizes for top 3 students of classes for appreciation for their hard work. Conclusion: Schoolbased sports activities can bring out positive reactions and behaviors in students. An annual function could encourage students to study more when they see their friends getting awards for their hard work. So the management should look after this issue and should take effective steps regarding this. I would thanks to Parmider Singh and Sarabjit Singh for their cooperation. Table of Contents (Jump to) List of Illustrations Executive Summary Introduction Discussion Sections Conclusions and Recommendations References List of Illustrations Graph 1: Students from different countries and their interest Figure 1: An example of intercultural events Executive Summary To summarize, I would like to say that we have less extra curriculum activities in our school which are really important for the overall growth of mind and health of students. We should start Yoga, Basketball, Cricket and many more classes at our campus. These classes may be considered individual or team depending on the kind of sport. I did survey and group discussions with many students in the college to discuss this topic and to know their views about these activities. Almost every student wants to see these kinds of extra curriculum activities to be organised in the college. Once in a semester these kinds of events and matches should be organised within different campuses of the college. So, at the end I hope the management and authorities of our college will also think about this change and they will start these kinds of events in coming days. I really appreciate those students who helped me to represent my views in front of the organization by supporting me. Introduction In this project, I have thrown some light on the issue of organising some extra curriculum activities for students in the college. This is a really important issue for all the students who feel stressed and bored from the studies and also the students who want to show their talent in sports. The college should organise some kinds of sports activities within its different campuses along with some cultural events once in a semester. However, at the end of the semester top 3 students should be awarded. This should be done at a bigger level and students from all courses should be welcomed. Due to this change, students will excel in their overall growth both physically and mentally. Moreover, there are many international students who feel homesick and alone in the college. So they will also be benefited from this. Also, students will be motivated by the watching others getting awards for their hard work. Discussion Sections I did survey regarding sports and other activities in college. In this survey, I asked to answer in between the rating of 0-10. Like if you strongly agree with the opinion then give 10 and so on according to your level of interest. My questions were- Do you miss your functions held in the past? Do you want to see those functions again in Selkirk College? How much is it important to organize functions and sports activities in college? Does it reduce stress level? Can we learn from this kind of activities? Can this kind of activities encourage students to study more and give competition to other students? Is it important for fitness purpose? Is it reducing homesickness up to some extent for international students? Do you think it could be great source of fun in this small town? In results, I got most of the students giving 8-10 for their answers. Moreover, I did group discussion with students from different countries. Firstly, I did with Indian students. They said they are missing those events which they enjoyed in Indian college and they are willing to enjoy those moments here too. When I discussed this matter with Canadian students they said they would love to see this kind of activities being organised in the college. I just shared my Indian college event experience with them to explain them little bit. All the Chinese, Japanese students are agreeing and excited to see these functions. Because, we all believe through these events we can learn about different cultures and show our talents. Graph 1 Students from different countries and their interest We can see from this bar chart more than 70% of the students are agreeing to organize these functions and sports activities in this college. Fig 1: An example of intercultural events Conclusions After doing the survey with different types of students, we came to the result that more than 70% of the students agreed with our opinion and they also want to see these kinds of events in the college. We also found that the students are lacking in physical fitness which is affecting their overall growth. So, the authorities should take effective steps in this change for the betterment of the students. Recommendations In order to implement these changes the college should start giving free classes and coaching to the students like of Yoga, Cricket, Basketball and many more. The authorities should hire trainers and coaches in the college. Also, the sports department of the college should renovate the playing courts and grounds for the matches. Moreover, the Student Union department should isolate the students and should promote these kinds of events in the college. Intercultural events like Dance, Dramas should be organised at a bigger level in the college. References [1] [2] [3] [4] Policy Analysis Paper: Caregiver Relief Act Policy Analysis Paper: Caregiver Relief Act Austina Burton The North Carolina state legislation I chose is house bill 99, or also senate bill 535. It is titled the Caregiver Relief Act. It was filed on February 13th, in 2013, in the House of Representatives (House, 2013). The primary sponsors in the house are Representative Alma Adams from Guilford County, and Representative Larry Hall from Durham County. Other sponsors in the house include Representatives Cunningham, Farmer-Butterfield, Floyd, Gill, Hamilton, Harrison, Insko, Moore, Pierce, and Wray (House, 2013). The Caregiver Relief Act was passed to the senate on March 28th, in 2013. The primary sponsors in the Senate are Senator Earline W. Parmon, who is from Forsyth County, and Senator Angela R. Bryant, who represents Halifax, Nash, Vance, Warren, and Wilson counties. Another sponsor in the North Carolina Senate was former senator Eleanor Kinnaird (Senate, 2013). The Caregiver Relief Act has costs, benefits, and stakeholders, and is effective and viable. Issue The Caregiver Relief Act is supposed to address a gap in the Family Medical Leave Act, also known as FMLA. The act would amend the labor laws to provide relief for caregivers in North Carolina (Caregiver, 2013). The purpose is to provide for supports in the workplace, under state law, for caregivers, who provide direct care to certain family members in need of care in those instances, where such leave would not be afforded to the caregivers under federal law. (Caregiver, 2013) The Caregiver Relief Act would extend the protections of the federal Family Medical Leave Act to allow employees to care for a sibling, grandparent, grandchild, stepparent, or parent-in-law.Should an employer offer FMLA benefits, the law already allows for an employee to take 12 weeks of unpaid, job-protected leave (Caregiver, 2013). The general rule the relief act would put into place is: An employer, required to comply with the FMLA, shall provide the same leave to an employee to care for a sibling, grandparent, grandchild, stepparent, or parent-in-law, that the employee is entitled to under the FMLA at 29 U.S.C. sections 2614 and 2615, as amended, with respect to a spouse, son, daughter, or parent of the eligible employee for the eligible employee’s sibling, grandparent, grandchild, stepchild, stepparent, or parent-in-law. (Caregiver, 2013) Costs and Benefits The costs of the Caregiver Relief Act would be no different than the costs the Family Medical Leave Act has already implemented. An employee, who takes leave, is entitled to the same protections and rights that an eligible employee is entitled to under the FMLA (Caregiver, 2013). The leave granted under the relief act shall be taken in the same manner, and under the same conditions, and restrictions the use of leave in the FMLA applies. The benefits mostly revolve around the caregivers. According to the Caregiver Relief Act, it has been found that employees, with care responsibilities, add additional health care costs to employers due to their own poor health. It has also been found that caregiving supports in the workplace can save businesses significant money associated with reduced incidences of absenteeism, crisis in care, workday interruptions, supervisory time, and reduced hours (Caregiver, 2013). Stakeholders There were more people, and agencies, supporting the bill than criticizing it. Beth Messersmith, who is the campaign director of NC MomsRising, and co-coordinator of NC Families Care, shows support to the Caregiver Relief Act. The FMLA is a crucial piece of legislation, that has been used an estimated 100 million times to provide job-protected, unpaid leave to women and men across the country to recover from a serious illness, care for a new child, or care for a seriously ill spouse, parent, or child. It’s time to fill the gaps to ensure that all workers can fulfill their family responsibilities without falling out of the workforce. (Media, 2013) The NC Chapters of the National MS (multiple sclerosis) Society recognize that the demands of caregiving are being shared by more and more family members and support the Caregiver Relief Act (Media, 2013).Mary Bethel, who is the associate state director for advocacy for AARP North Carolina, stated, â€Å"Today’s reality is that we are a state of working family caregivers. North Carolina ranks 6th in the nation in the number of children cared for by their grandparents†(Media, 2013). Bethel made a good point about how much this bill is needed. North Carolina’s Senator Kinnaird said, â€Å"The FMLA has had a tremendous impact on the lives of North Carolina’s working families. Without expansion, many are unable to put family first.†She suggests that the FMLA needs to expand its protections, so family leave becomes more accessible (Media, 2013). Rationally Effective The Caregiver Relief Act is effective and feasible. It has been effective in the general assembly, not only because it has a lot of support, but because it is aiming for measurable results, and will achieve a rational outcome, if voted into law. Furthermore, other states, in the United States, have reformed the Family Medical Leave Act in some way. For example, the California Assembly passed their bill, number 592, which changed how employers handled maternity leave. This bill made it unlawful for an employer to interfere with the allotted leave time for woman who were pregnant (California, 2011). Other changes, that states have made, include expanding the definition of family beyond child, spouse and parent, increasing the allowable uses under the FMLA, establishing family leave insurance programs, and lowering the employer threshold (Media, 2013). Politically Viable The Caregiver Relief Act is politically viable. It is viable because it has political support, it is capable of succeeding, and it will work as intended too after it is implemented. First, it has political support from many representative and senators in the North Carolina General Assembly. Second, it has the capability to succeed in the house and the senate, and then, be put into law. The Caregiver Relief Act will succeed in fulfilling its intentions, and will have positive effects on caregivers. They will have more time for their loved ones, and they will have less stress from work related issues. Overall, the Caregiver Relief Act will fulfill its intention, which is to require employers to provide leave to an employee to care for a sibling, grandparent, grandchild, stepparent, or parent-in-law. It will do this by enforcing any right, or obligation, created by the policy, by a civil action (Caregiver, 2013). Social Worker Point of View As a social worker, who operates within the NASW Code of Ethics, I would support the Caregiver Relief Act. I would support it based on the fact that it is needed, and based on two different sections of the Code of Ethics. First, house bill 99 is needed because the elderly population is growing very rapidly. They represented 12.9% of the U.S. population in 2009 (Aging Statistics). According to the Administration on Ageing, by 2030, there will be about 72.1 million older persons. That is more than twice their number in 2000 (Aging Statistics). In addition, many of them will need caregivers. These caregivers will need some kind of assistance from their employers, so therefore they will not lose their jobs if they need to take extended leave to care for an older person. Based on the NASW Code of Ethics, it is a responsibility of a social worker to uphold the general welfare of society, and this includes advocating for living conditions (Code, 2008). Section 6.01, of the code of ethics, talks about social welfare, and how social workers should advocate for living conditions favorable to the fulfilment of basic human needs. This is one reason why I would support the Caregiver Relief Act. My concern is the welfare of the people that need caregiving. Also, the caregivers need a way to support themselves, while supporting the needs of the older adults they are helping. One place to give them support is in their workplace with the Caregiver Relief Act. Part ‘a’ of section 6.04 of the Code of Ethics, explains that social workers should seek to â€Å"ensure that all people have equal access to the resources, employment, services, and opportunities they require to meet their basic human needs.†It is part of a social workers job to engage in social and political action that would benefit people (Code, 2008). This legislation would benefit caregivers by giving them the resources they need, to stay afloat in the economy, if they are taking care of someone else. Conclusion In conclusion, House Bill 99, in the North Carolina General Assembly, would help mend a gap in the FMLA. It would extend the FMLA to count siblings, grandparents, grandchildren, and in-laws as people caregivers can take leave to care for. An employee, who takes leave, is entitled to the same protections and rights that an eligible employee is entitled to under the FMLA. One reason this is needed is because it has been found that caregiving supports in the workplace can save businesses significant money (Caregiver, 2013). Therefore, there are more people, and agencies, supporting the bill than criticizing it. A few are the campaign director of NC MomsRising, the NC Chapters of the National MS Society, and the associate state director for advocacy for AARP North Carolina (Media, 2013). The Caregiver Relief Act is effective and feasible. It has been effective in the general assembly, not only because of its support, but because it is aiming for measurable results and will achieve a rational outcome if voted into law. The Caregiver Relief Act is politically viable. It is viable because it has political support, it is capable of succeeding, and it will work as intended too after it is implemented. As a social worker, who operates within the NASW Code of Ethics, I would support the Caregiver Relief Act. Many states have expanded, or improved, the Family and Medical Leave Act already by lowering the employer threshold, expanding the definition of family beyond child, spouse and parent, increasing the allowable uses under the FMLA, and establishing family leave insurance programs. North Carolina lawmakers have taken important steps toward filling the gaps by introducing the Caregiver Relief Act. References Aging Statistics. (n.d.). Aging Statistics. Retrieved March 23, 2014, from Assembly Bill No. 592. (2011). California Legislation. Retrieved March 27, 2014, from Caregiver Relief Act. (2013, February 13). General Assembly of North Carolina. Retrieved March 24, 2014, from Code of Ethics (English and Spanish). (2008). Code of Ethics (English and Spanish). Retrieved March 23, 2014, from House Bill 99. (2013.). North Carolina General Assembly. Retrieved March 30, 2014, from MEDIA RELEASE: Caregiver Relief Act would help working caregivers hold onto their jobs. (2013, April 1). North Carolina Justice Center. Retrieved March 30, 2014, from Senate Bill 535. (2013). North Carolina General Assembly. Retrieved March 30, 2014, from Is College Essential For Employment? Is College Essential For Employment? Does college matter? What does college mean? Is college important to teenagers? Should college be essential for people to find a good job? Is everyone able to go to college? When we talk about college, these questions always come up. As a society, people have their own free ideas to plan their lives. A number of students decide to go to college to get a better and higher education, and to improve their wisdom associated with specific areas such as politics. Most of them think getting college degrees will lead them to find a great job, or even improve their personal qualities. On the other hand, some do not want to go to college. They consider that they do not need a college degree, as they think they can live better without four years of college life or they have other reasons to give up college studies. However, college still matters because going to college can increase one’s salary, make people more knowledgeable and also get students some different experiences. There is a hot debate over the value of college in this era of increasing student debt and high unemployment. Some people argue from the perspective of economy that people can live a better life without college degrees. The four years of college costs them much money or even forces them to burden huge debt. However, if they do not pay such a high debt or cost to the four years college life, they can earn much money within the four years. Since their friends or high school classmates graduated from the college, those who do not receive college education probably have had certain social and economic resources. In addition to the economic reasons, some people point that for those students who have supreme talents in specific areas do not necessarily need college degrees. For example, Bill Gates, the CEO of Microsoft, who dropped from Harvard and sought for his fortune in his twenties. At the beginning, people considered him crazy and irrational, as Harvard is the dream for most of people worldwide. However, Gates proved his choice was reasonable and rational with his amazing success and huge fortune. At this point, many people would claim that having a college degree is not important. Meanwhile, some people may propose that a college degree is not the unique channel to success. However, the success of other people cannot always be copied. In today’s society, the pursuit of college education contributes to the wisdom and great jobs. The richness of knowledge would increase the competitiveness for people in different fields. Receiving college education will cost a lot of money. People have to borrow money or take out educational loans to support their fees. However, based on the â€Å"The Rising Cost of Not Going to College†, it is found that 89% of college-educated Millennial are most likely to be recruited full time, while 82% of their less educated counterparts and less likely to be unemployed or fired. This data indicate that the college degree contributes to getting a good job, although people have to pay the expensive tuition. From the perspective of politics, the college education serves as an important engine for us to identify the difference between demagoguery and responsible arguments from politicians. It also expresses that people are living in a society with bombarded pleading or persuasions everyday such as advertisements, political appeals, and punditry of all kinds (243). All these are designed and established to capture our loyalty, money, and more specifically our vote. The most appropriate way to sustain a functioning democracy should be the wisdom of citizens that can distinguish the differences between demagoguery from responsible arguments. For this, it is quite necessary for us to receive college education, as the associated political issues would be introduced and well understood in college. Currently, most people aspire to get college degrees as a door opener to find great jobs. The survey concerning the rising cost of not going to college indicates that among Millennials, 46% of college graduates are significantly more likely to agree that their college degrees have been good a tool to find a job or a satisfied career than the 31% of their less educated counterparts. For those adults who receive higher education degrees in the college and training to improve their careers. Above the data indicate the advantage of a college education. On the one hand, education can confer the associated degree to the college students. Then, they can take this certificate of academic degree to find good jobs. On the other hand, their rich theoretical knowledge can well direct their practical techniques in the actual business. Compared with the less educated counterparts, people who have received college education will be more acute and more intellectual than their less educated counterpa rts. When I came to college, I met plenty of challenge and new experiences. In UCSB, there are students from all around the world. Most of them speak English but others speak their own languages. I have heard stories from English , Korean and Italian people, and those stories are exciting and wonderful. In addition, I have joined sport clubs that I had never thought about before. I do not like sports but I change my mind because at college, I met some weak people who still do exercise during their leisure time. If I did not go to college, I truly believe that I would have stayed inactive and I could not get those precious experiences. My own experience shows that receiving college education improves personal qualities. That is, college education fosters people’s sense as well as their mind to experiences that would be foreclosed to them. For most college students, the college education enriches their capacities to read mandatory literature works and to catch basic political concepts. Meanwhile, college education contributes to the improvements of alertness to color and form, melody and harmony. In this way, as people gradually grow old, they will feel grateful for the college education they received. It delivers them the capability of appreciation towards our daily lives. Such an education performs as a hedge against utilitarian values. After receiving college education, people’s aspiration for contact with works of arts that somehow register one’s own longings and yet exceed what one is able to express by and for oneself. It also points out that people need â€Å"the inside of your head to b e an interesting place to spend the rest of your life†(244). The benefits of receiving college education would be larger than those who do not pursue a college education. The college education contributes to more employee opportunities. People can enjoy their political rights at their own will without being distracted. Also, college education can equip people with knowledge to compete with others including less educated counterparts. Finally, college education can improve people’s understanding towards life. That is, the attitudes, assumptions and way of thinking towards the life will be well enhanced by knowledge. From the above analysis, college still matters. Cited Page Delbanco, Andrew. â€Å"Three Reasons College Still Matter.†American Now: Short Readings from Recent Periodicals. Ed. Robert Atwan. Boston: Bedford/St Martin, 2013. 243-247. Print. â€Å"Disparity among Millennials Ages 25-32 By Education Level in Terms of Annual.†Earning†¦Ã¢â‚¬ Pew Research Centers Social Demographic Trends Projects RSS. Pew Research Center, 1[CW1]0 Feb. 2014. Web. 22 Oct. 2014. http://www.pewsocialtr[CW2] the-rising-cost-of-not-going-to-college/ sdt-higher-education-02-11-2014-0-01/>. [CW1]This page does have a date at the top of the article. [CW2]MLA suggests adding the URL so the reader can find it directly.
Friday, October 25, 2019
Sleep, What Is It? Essay -- essays research papers fc
     When you lay down to bed at night, close your eyes, and loose conciseness, you fall asleep. Sleep is an everyday event, every human, every animal does it on a routine basis. There are many questions concerning sleep. This paper will try to answer three of them. Why do we sleep, at what routine do we sleep, and what happens to us when we sleep. There are several theories as to why we sleep. Some believe it’s a â€Å"time out†to recuperate, remove wastes from muscles, repair cells or recover abilities lost during the day. However wastes are removed without sleep with just a couple of minutes of rest. People who don’t sleep for 48 hours don’t need 16 hours to â€Å"catch up†all they need is one good nights sleep. Some believe sleep conserves energy, once it provided safety from predators in a secluded space. However we lose consciousness which would make us vulnerable to attacks from predators. Or maybe it serves the brain because only organisms with integrated bundles of central nervous tissue sleep. There are many theories as to why we sleep but no one really seems to know. People can go several days without sleep and still perform normally. However any longer can cause irritability, hallucinations, or delusions. In animals sleep depravation leads to death, it may also hold true for people as well. In one case a man at age 52 started losing sleep. He fell deeper and deeper into an exhausted stumper or lethargic state, always feeling tired but unable to sleep. He eventually developed a lung infection and died. An autopsy showed he had lost almost all of the large neurons in two areas of the thalamus. This suggests that sleep is caused and controlled by the thalamus. Most people sleep at night, so does this mean that our sleep cycle is dependent on night and day? It doesn’t seem so. There are people who sleep during the day and studies have shown that people run on their own sleep cycles. Volunteers put in isolation(they didn’t know what time it was) went to sleep on the average 49 minutes later every cycle. So in about 11 or 12 days one would go to sleep in the morning. Whenever we change our clocks(daylight savings time) our bodies eventually readjust to the time rather than how light or dark it is outside. People who live in the extreme north or south have darkness for six month at a... ...aks. It                will take a shaking motion to wake you and you                wont be happy about it. Sleep walkers and                talkers walk and talk at this point. This process takes about 90 minutes then reverses(1-2-3-4-3-2-1). After you come back to one, instead of waking you go into REM(Rapid Eye Movement) sleep and this is were most dreaming occurs. The amount of time in REM sleep is usually random, but after REM sleep you start the process over again. Hopefully some questions about sleep you had before reading this paper are now answered. There still remains many questions about sleep. Since sleep is so connected with the mind, which is the biggest mystery in the universe humans know of sleep is difficult to understand. So it will be a long time before our questions will be answered. Bibliography Wade and Travis, Carole and Carol, Psychology, New York City, Harper Collins Publishers Inc., 1990
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Altruism-John F. Kennedy
John F. Kennedy once said conformity is the jailer of freedom and the enemy of growth. Which is true the act of matching attitudes, beliefs, and behaviors to what individuals perceive is normal to their society or social group makes them apart of the masses. Which makes me think; of the many different ways people submit there self into that category. For example watching someone be sexually assaulted and stabbed to death outside of an apartment building but never calling the police to help or even attempting to help yourself. That’s what happen to Kitty Genovese and she had thirty-eight witnesses.Why was it that thirty-eight people stood there and watch her murder? Because they were too busy diffusing the responsibility for the simple fact that all these people are around someone must have called. As humans we do that a lot not help someone on the side of the road because they must have someone coming to help, never look at the screaming nose outside you don’t want to g et involve, don’t help that person who’s being attack; diffusion of responsibility: Diffusing the responsibility of yourself being involved into a situation that might put you in danger.That seem reasonably but how about when you do something that doesn’t benefit you in anyway but you do it because it makes everyone else happy; this is altruism. Let say someone did go and help Kitty Genovese they could have been seriously injured but Kitty Genovese would have had her life. Altruism is any nice gesture you do for someone else at the expense of yourself it doesn’t mean you can't satisfaction from your acts. In most cases of altruism you would enjoy it but the con of it is sometimes you can’t say â€Å"No†when you should be saying no.You’re doing what others want you to do when that’s not what’s in your heart to do. All I know is that more people should stand up for others because in any case you would want people to ignor e you in your time of need. I can’t really say how to get help but if you’re in danger caught people’s attention, say something important, but most of all caught someone attention. One thing I must say be safe in this crazy world we call earth .
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Pharmacy Management System
Identification This system is developed to automate data for the organization named Bete Zata Voluntary Counseling and Testing in Awassa town. The system that is going to be developed is concerned with different tasks. For example, it automates data on patients; it records blood test result, records data on trainees etc. It revolves about how patients get service and counseling. It also stores data like patient data, trainees’ data, counselor data, trainer data, etc. . 2 System overview. This System is developed with many purposes. Out of its main purposes, it greatly minimizes cost, time and resources by computerizing the manual system.. It will be possible to search in a simple way a specific patient pr trainee among many patients or trainee in a simple way patients based on their ID. ID number is unique to each patient and trainee 1. 3 General description Bete Zata is one of the non governmental organizations established in Ethiopia. This organization has three offices incl uding the two branches in Nazareth and here in Awassa.The main goal of this organization is to treat HIV/AIDS patients in a good manner, to minimize the transmission rate of HIV in Ethiopia by contributing what it is possible. It gives VCT meaning voluntary counseling and testing services. It also provides training for many individuals. To generalize the main activities done by this organization, let’s see the following paragraph. In the first step when the patient comes, he will be given a counseling service by the organizations counselor about AIDS, its transmission, its present state, what he should do if he is positive or else negative, shortly.Then he will refer to the examination room and the Doctor will take blood from the patient and tests whether he is positive or negative. If the result shows ‘he is positive’, the patient’s health condition will be checked. Then he will be given diagnosis parallel to counseling if his health condition is not such good until he recovers from his poor condition. Otherwise he directly goes to the counselor. The counselor will give detail advice for the patient. When the counselor finishes his advice, he will ask the patient wether he is voluntary to take training or not.If he is voluntary he will start the training according to the time schedule of the training process. If the person is negative after the test, he will be referred to the counselor so that the counselor gives advice for the person so that he should protect himself from HIV. If he has the motive to participate in training he will be registered to the training. Besides counseling and testing patients, the organization also prepares training for different organizations and individuals. The flow chart in the next pages describes the above activities of the organization. [pic] pic] DESIGN Design is the first step to move from the problem domain towards the solution domain. Design is essentially the bridge between requirement specifi cation and the final solution for satisfying the requirements. It is the most critical factor affecting the quality of the software. DATA FLOW DIAGRAMS It is one of the most important modeling tools used by system analysts. It is used to illustrate how data flows in a system. DFD’s use a number of symbols to represent systems. These symbols represent processes, data stores, data flows and external entities. 1.Process: – Process show what systems do. Each process has one or more data inputs and produces one or more data outputs. Processes are represented by circles in a DFD. 2. Data Store: – A component of a DFD in which data is stored. 3. External Entity:- These are outside the of the system but either supply input data into the system or use the system output. It is represented in a box. 4. Data flow: It shows how data flows between process, data stores and external entities. They are represented by lines joining system components. [pic] Level-0 Diagram [pic] E R ModelThis model describes the relationships between different activities. The entities included in the ER model are the following. ? Counselor ? Patient ? Blood Test ? Trainer ? Trainee ? Training 1. 4 Objectives This project minimizes the complex and the difficult work of the manual processes, which is costly, in terms of time and resources. The general objective of the software is to develop a system which is capable of automating all the manual works i. e. developing a database with interfaces for storing Specific goals. The specific goals of the final product of the software are as follows. To computerize some of the manual activities of the organization – To avoid the time for searching the patients and trainees – To make the organization well documented – To decrease the risk of losing the records 1. 5 Users This software is mainly used by the Record Office workers and concerned individuals like the counselors and trainers. 2. REFERENCED DOCUMENTS In doi ng this task, I have used the â€Å"Software Engineering†book by PankaJ Jalotea, Software Engineering course handouts, System analysis and design handouts and different information getting from the host organization around different tasks. 3. REQUIREMENTS 3. External interface requirement 1. User interfaces: The system will have good looking, clear and neat interface so that user can interact easily to the software. To do this I will use buttons for any command to users, and I will not use any technical word for any command instead I will use command names that reflect the functions they perform. I will also use help statements in some of the windows to assist users in their activity. 2. Hardware interfaces: the system does not need any special hardware to operate fully but recommended configuration is 256 MB of RAM, 40 GB hard disk drive and flash memory if possible. . Software interfaces: the system will use only few types of software. The main softwares that have detectab le influence on this system are Visual Basic (VB) and Ms Access. 2 Functional Requirements When we say functional requirement, we mean the relationship between the input and output of the system. It describes all operations to be performed on the input data to obtain the output. This system has many inputs and outputs. Out of them the followings are some of them. Database Design A careful design of the database must proceed before storing the data in the database.This project contains about six database tables each containing their own primary keys. Through these tables, a user can store his personal data. 1. Patient Detail The VCT system receives patients’ information from the patient as an input and stores each individual information. The primary key in this table is phone number. This table referred from Blood Test table using date. So date is used as a foreign key. This patient detail table is related with Trainee table phone number. [pic] 2. Blood Test Detail This table uses the attribute date as a primary key. When you fill the date alue in the given space in the interface you will get the result as numbers (number of patients, HIV positives, HIV negatives). This table uses the date itself as a foreign key to be related with the Training table and Patient table. [pic] 3. Counselor Detail Counselor detail stores information about the counselor. The primary key in this case is counselor ID. Through this key is the table relate with other tables. The table relates with the Trainee and Training tables. [pic] 4. Trainee Detail Information about trainees is stored in the Trainee table. In this case, the primary key is the Trainer ID.Through this ID the Trainee table is related with Training table. It is referenced from the Trainer table using IDTrainer. [pic] 5. Training table All the data related with training is stored in this table. It uses two primary keys as the same time. These are Place and Date. Training given at a particular place in a particul ar date is unique. But if we use these two fields separately, the uniqueness will be lost. [pic] 6. Trainer Table Trainers’ information is stored here. IDTrainer is the primary key for the table. It is related with the Trainee and Training table through this table. [pic] Form DesignAs I mention before the interface I am using is VB 6. 0. Using this software I design the following forms. In each form the buttons Insert, Update, Delete, Search and Exit buttons are used to add, modify, delete, find data from the data base and close the form. The symbols ‘’ are to mean First, Previous, Next and Last respectively. 1. Login form [pic] 2. Main Form [pic] 3. Patient Detail [pic] Blood Test [pic] When you click the button †Blood Test Detail till the Defined Date†, you will get the number of negative and positive patients with in time intervals. 5. Counselor Detail [pic] 6. Trainee Detail [pic] 7. Training Detail pic] When you click the button â€Å"Status of Trainees†, you will get the number of tested and non tested trainees. 8. Trainer Detail [pic] 9. Search form In this search button the user enters the corresponding IDs in the given space. For example, if we want to search the patient information, the user enters the ID of the patient and clicks search. The patient details will display. [pic] â€â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€œ Start Patient come Is he come for training? No Councelling Examination Is positive? Yes Is healthy? No Diagnosis Counseling Counseling Yes No Counseling Want training? No Yes A B C D Yes FLOW CHART Wait training sessionStart training Teach others A B C Want training? Wait training session Start training Teach others End D Yes No Context Level DFD HIV VCT Counselor Patient Patient Personal Detail Test Result details Advice Patient details Trainee Trainee details Patient Service for patients Personal detail Testing Testing request Test detail Referring to counselor Current res ult Counselor Counselor details info Personal details Personal details Testing result Trainee Personal details Give advice Training for trainees Participating in training Referring for training Patient Advice Trainer May be Counselor Advice Patient Trains
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